$Whale and Breezy started a long-term collaboration to provide a narrative to the WHALE’s “The Vault”, one of the largest and most valuable collections of NFTs in the entire space through art curation.

Each month we highlight a specific creator or theme, providing rich visuals, high-profile artist interviews, gallery events, and more. 


For the month of  November 2022, the presented artist is  Frenetik Void

For the Vault Collection by Whale, November is dedicated to Frenetik Void, an Argentine artist born in 1994 who, with 3D modeling, has opened the boundaries of his imagination by drawing on a repertoire of surreal figures and settings that make his style unique. Frenetik Void is a native digital artist, who approaches Crypto Art in 2019 with extreme naturalness, almost as an essential evolutionary step in his artistic path:
Before entering Crypto Art, I had made a couple of prints of my works to sell, but it didn’t feel right: the pixels had to remain pixels.
The incredible characters that populate the artist’s compositions are the mirror of his inner chaos, that only in art can find the right outlet; an alternation of full and empty in which the work of art manages to calm the overcrowding of ideas and images to restore the “void”, the inner peace, the calm sea that is the background to many compositions.
The same fluid enters the humanoid figures, fills them and assumes their forms, adapting to the new container until it explodes. What we see is the mnemonic representation preserved by the water. In other cases, the skin of his characters is reduced to a membrane so thin that it is no longer able to contain the nebulous tangle of torments of the psyche. Here these plots take over, project themselves outside the human being and have the better of the body, which is imprisoned.
I started creating also out of necessity, to keep me sane. I need to create to get through periods in my life. I somehow get overwhelmed by my own mind. My best way of letting go is to channel my emotions & pain and put it somewhere, exteriorize it.
Don’t miss the usual end-of-month gallery exhibition on the Arium Space platform, where we will discuss and enjoy the art of Frenetik Void.


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