$Whale and Breezy started a long-term collaboration to provide a narrative to the $WHALE’s “The Vault”, one of the largest and most valuable collections of NFTs in the entire space through art curation.

Each month we highlight a specific creator or theme, providing rich visuals, high-profile artist interviews, gallery events, and more.


For the month of December, we selected 10 different artists: Undeadlu, Coldie, misterdg29620, Frenetik Void, Brendan Dawes, mlibty, Ophelia Fu, Monfa Cabrera, Reinhard Schmid and David Loblaw. 

Reinhard Schmid, Prima Ballerina in Motion, 2019



For December, I thought about telling a story, our story. The tale of all of us sticking together and going towards the new year always filled with the hope for a better one.

As art often speaks more than many words, it is incredible to see how these art pieces, through their depth, colors, animations, and aesthetic gestures, depict the spirit of the crazy time that the entire world has been living in these past years. And even more incredible is to discover that these artworks weren’t necessarily created during the pandemic, to demonstrate that the fears and dramas of humanity are recurring and shared.

While Coldie highlights the importance of having a healthy body but especially considers the healing condition, Reinhard Schmid’s elegant Ballerina is gracefully stuck on the same engine that keeps her alive.

David Loblaw’s Lions Peak is a modern Wanderer above the sea of fog, as in these recent times we genuinely got lost again in front of the sublime power of nature.

Frenetik Void’s piece is pretty symbolic of what we all have been experiencing; it’s an escape “for” freedom, accompanied by a feeling of alienation that becomes real when our Alien Mother comes back to nourish us before we hatch.

In this path of self-isolation and quarantine of both the intimate self and the individual in the society, we are all shadows, invisible inhabitants that we never meet, Blinded by the diamonds in the sky.

With Home Ascending by Monfa Cabrera, we are given the chance of floating away, with our houses, towards a space with no gravity nor smog. The foundations detached, we are suspended; the branches open, and we are Released.

“Yet each man kills the thing he loves.”
And we need to die before being reborn.
We are dying swans, approaching death with the most intense joy of living.
(Oscar Wilde )

And eventually, in the collectivity within the community, we will see REBORN.

Happy New Year,

Eleonora Brizi

For the month of December, Eleonora Brizi selected 10 artworks from The Vault collection to discuss human condition of these past 2 years and to look at the future year with a feeling of rebirth.
The selected artists include Undeadlu, Coldie, misterdg29620, Frenetik Void, Brendan Dawes, mlibty, Ophelia Fu, Monfa Cabrera, Reinhard Schmid and David Loblaw.
This group of creators will take us through the feeling of isolation, the idea of dystopian cities, the condition of alienation, until reaching the “rebirth”.
As art often speaks more than many words, it is incredible to see how these art pieces, through their depth, colors, animations and aesthetic gestures depict the spirit of the incredible time that the entire world has been living in these past years. And even more incredible is to discover that these artworks weren’t necessarily created during the pandemic, to demonstrate that the fears and dramas of humanity are recurring and shared.
At the end of the month, an art exhibition showcasing the curated selection titiled “The Story of a Rebirth” will be hosted on Arium platform.